Tinjauan Pemberian Kredit Kepada Nasabah dalam Masa Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi pada Koperasi Marsudi Mulyo Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul)


  • Ridwan Galih Saputra Aji Universitas Janabadra, Indonesia
  • Raden Murjiyanto Universitas Janabadra, Indonesia




This study aims to find out and analyze the implementation of credit agreements at the Marsudi Mulyo Cooperative during the covid-19 pandemic and to find out and analyze the steps taken by the Marsudi Mulyo Cooperative towards the credit agreement if the debtor defaults. The type of research used is this research is empirical normative research. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The method of collecting primary data used in this study was to conduct interviews. Secondary data with literature study. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive way. From the results of the research and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn, during this covid-19 pandemic, there are no special requirements given by cooperatives to prospective customers and efforts to resolve non-performing loans or are to make a summons to debtors who have not paid off their credit, carry out a negotiation or deliberation with the debtor in order to find a way out and if there is no solution or solution, it can be continued to legal channels.




How to Cite

Aji , R. G. S., & Murjiyanto, R. (2023). Tinjauan Pemberian Kredit Kepada Nasabah dalam Masa Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi pada Koperasi Marsudi Mulyo Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Gunungkidul). Kajian Hukum, 8(1), 14–34. https://doi.org/10.37159/kh.v8i1.24




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